    Hello Mac user :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What happen at Beijing's Apple Store?

A Windows XP boot up logo next to Bejing's Apple Store? Wht the heck man!

Beberapa minit lps tu,kuar ni plk...

Up next : Melawat Apple Store kedua terbesar di China!

Soon will be update !

Looks interesting isn't it? Stay tuned!!!

Melawat Apple Store terbesar di dunia ( Covent Garden )

Gilakn produk Apple? Nak beli kt London? Lawatilah Apple Store di Covent Garden, London-
Its the largest yet biggest Apple Store in the world!

Ya. The world's biggest AppleStore is in Covent Garden,London. Ia telah di buka pada 7 Ogos 2010.

Kalo korg nk pgi London ke,then nk cri alamat dia,ni ha alamat dia.. lokasi dia...

Apple Store Covent Garden,
No 1 The Piazza
Covent Garden,
London WC2E,
United Kingdom.

Bercerita mengenai binaan dia ( Structure of the store )
Sbnrnya bngunan ni dorg renovate dr sbuah bngunan lama zmn Victorian dulu2,tp skrg dh fully equipped with the latest technology tk kurg jg dgn design dia yg superb. Plg istimewa of coz la tangga kaca dan bumbung kaca dia. The glass staircase and the glass rooftop.

Bangunan ni di bahagikan kpd 4 bahagian utama iaitu...
1.Central courtyard. Ni tmpt dia bg taklimat,presentation atau free workshop
2.The Genius Bar. Kat cni dia bg technical support or free training utk produk2 Apple
3.Community Room. Kat cni dia bg training yg lbh mndalam hngga tahap professional
4.Briefing room. Cni lak tmpt dia bg taklimat atau bengkel secara percuma utk ape je produk2 Apple ( I guest )

Community room pl tmpt kalo nk blaja psl apps Apple dr yg basic smpila tahap Pro cam Aperture atau Final Cut Pro.

Waktu beroperasi :
Isnin hingga Sabtu ia di buka dari jam 9 pagi hingga 9 malam. Hari Ahad plk ia di buka dari jam 12.00 tghari hngga jam 6 ptg. Aik! kejap nyer. ak time kje kt Switch dlu hri2 closing smpi pkui 11mlm. huhu..

Antara produk yg terdapat di cni :
Kat cni terdapat byk Apple products and accessories. Antaranya seperti ..
  1. Macbook
  2. iPhone
  3. iPad
  4. iPod
  5. Apple TV
  6. Apple Software
  7. Apple Games 
Aksesori lak macam...
    1. Headset
    2. Speakers
    3. Cables and docks
    4. Keyboards
    5. Cases
    6. Digital cameras
    7. Printers

    Fakta tentang Apple Store Covent Garden

    Ia merupakan Apple Store yg ke 300 oleh syarikat Apple. Mereka jg mmpunyai 300 orang staf kt situ.

    Ia merupakan Apple store terbesar di dunia

    Di buka pada jam 10 pagi pada 7 Ogos 2010. Pengunjung awal pd hari itu di berikan T-shirt Apple percuma!

    Korg bley check latest information mngenai Apple produk kt situ. Bley jg melawat kot2 nk wat software update ke,service ke,beli pape aksesori atau mghadiri workshop or training berkenaan Apple Mac. Apple Store Covent Garden jg tlh mngubah kota London dr sbuah kota warisan kpd bandaraya Apple. Suasana yg aman dan staf yg mesra mmastikn Apple Store ni mnjadi slh satu destinasi yg popular di Kota London ni.

    Layan pic la..

    Ni gambar masa pembinaan..
                                    Still being covered by the canvas and scaffolding

                                     Papan tanda di letak beberapa hari sblm official opening day

                                        Pada hari pembukaan. Official opening day.. ramai giler...

                                                                           Ni kat luar dia
                                     Kalo Switcher T-Shirt kaler kelabu,ni plk t-shirt kaler biru
    Jom kta masuk lak..
                                     Tu diaaa... the glass rooftop!

                                                                The glass staircase. Wow!

                                            Ni bahagian utk Mac system terutamanya MacBook

                                                            Ok. jom kta masuk ke Briefing Room

                                                                   Ni plk kt bhagian iPod...

                                           Imagine they're putting Beat's Dr Dre on each of them!

                                                                    The wall of iPad!

    The Genius Bar... yg ni bkn bar tmpt minum2 tu yer...
    Mereka yg berdiri di Genius Bar tu should be someone yg btul2 pro dlm Apple product. kalo tk, mang tk layak la utk brdiri kt situ. coz stiap hri akn ada mcm2 org,mcm2 prangai org,org dtg dgn bwk mcm2 poblem utk solve. tk kirla troubleshooting ke,ape ke.

                                                               Nice view u got there,dude!

    For more info about AppleStore Covent Garden, u can go to this link

    Saturday, January 22, 2011

    Paper iPhone/iPad dock

    Ada la plk docking utk iPhone/iPad buat dr kertas. haha. nk try sila dnlod template dia dr link ni

    Gambar dan instruction ada.

    My iPod nano is now Voice over capable!

    Introduction :
    Enabling VoiceOver in iTunes for iPod nano (5rd generation) allows you to hear the names of songs, artists, and playlists spoken when listening to content on your iPod nano. If you have the Apple Earphones with Remote and Mic or the In-Ear Headphones with Remote and Mic, you can also use VoiceOver to navigate playlists. You can enable VoiceOver when you initially set up your iPod with iTunes, or later, in the Summary tab for iPod settings in iTunes.

    Haha. btul tu. la iPod nano ak ( 5th Gen ) da ada function Voice over.
    Sblm ni function voiceover cuma trdpt di iPod shuffle yg 3rd Gen je.

    Antara klebihan Voiceover ni adalah :
    -bila lagu mula play dia akn ckp,Now Playing... ( smbil dia speak tajuk lagu tu ape dan pnyanyi nya )
    -Available in more than 28 languages. let say kalo ada lagu melayu,nnti dia tukar suara melayu, cam "Faizal Tahir,Sampai Syurga". so tkla bunyi sbutan dia pelik sgt. by default dia guna voice Albert with american accent.
    -Tiap kali navigate pape menu pn dia speak jgk. tp serabut jgk kalo suma bnda dia nk sebut. yela kalo jns yg suka scrol laju2,tk dan mnyebut,jenuh dia tk hbs sebut satu2. haha

    Utk guide cmana nk enable kn fungsi Voiceover ni kt iPod nano 5th gen korg,sila ikuti panduan di link ni

    Ok. Lets see how we gonna do this!

    1. Connect your iPod nano to your computer. Open iTunes
    2. On the Summary, tick or choose enable Voiceover. System then will update. This might take few minutes... so biar je smpi siap...

    gmbr yg lain ada. nnti ak post screen capture dia. ok bye!

    Wednesday, January 19, 2011

    Website2 yg bley di jdkn rujukan utk cari APPS

    Kt tenet tu trlalu byk APPS. Smpai kdg2 bingung nk pilih yg mana. So utk mmbntu anda mmilih APPS, di cni sy list kn antara beberapa website yg bely di jadikn rujukan utk mncari APPS yg menarik2...

    (1).  148 Apps ( for iPhone )
    Ni link dia . kt wbsite ni ada review APPS,dan berita2 terkini mengenai APPS yg best2.Ada yg utk iPhone 4,ada jg utk iPad.

    Apps yg di sdiakn kt cni adalah utk platform iOS4 dan Android. Kt sini byk Games.
    Games boleh di pilih ikut kategori dia dr Action,Sports, dan mcm2 lagi.

    Free App A day. Sehari satu percuma Apps. Kt cni spt namanya,di sasarkn utk free apps,utk iPhone dan iPad.

    Mac Apps Reviewed : ComposerFXImageLite

    Ni merupakan slh satu drpd Apps yg di install dr Mac App Store.
    Nama dia,ComposerFXImageLite. Free je..

    APPS ni kira cm program yg bg kta mcm2 filter yg agak menarik jgkla. Terdapat 48 jenis filter yg tersedia yg agak menarik jgkla untuk di cuba. Cara guna dia sng je,just drag gmbr yg nk di applied filter tu,then pilih la filter yg anda suka.
    Bila da siap,just drag gmbr tu kuar so dia automatically save as gmbr tu.

    Ni adalah contoh interface dia...

    Gmbr yg di hasilkn adalah dlm format PNG dgn resolusi 2896x1944.
     Di hasilkan dgn filter City Light.

     Ni plk di hasilkn dgn filter Sharpen.

    Ok. sampai di cni saja. Kalo nk tau lbh byk,bley try la install Apps ni. ok...